Online Dhamma classes are available every day on Paltalk. Room:Dao Phat Vao Doi.
Time: from 5.00PM to 8.00PM Vietnam time. 5.00 PM-5.30 PM preparation & outstanding questions. 5.30 PM -6.30 PM Dhamma talk. 6.30-7.30 PM Discussion, Q&A. 7.30 PM to 8.00 PM free discussion.
Day: every evening from Monday to Sunday.
Instructors: Venerable Thich Minh Tam, Venerable Thich Tri Duc, Venerable Thich Hanh Nguyen.
Patrons:Most Venerable Thich Huyen Ton.
Topics: unless requested by the students, the classes shall be scheduled as following:
Monday: Dhammapada (English and Vietnamese)
Tuesday: Nikaya (Vietnamese and English)
Wednesday: Vinaya (Vietnamese and English),
Thursday: Mahayana (Vietnamese and English, occasional Chinese)
Friday:Health and Living Style in the Dhamma, Meditation and Healing, Meditation (English, French, Vietnamese.
Saturday: Ethics, Morality, Bahaviors and Buddha's Dhamma, Character Building (Vietnamese and English).
Sunday: Modern Perspectives in Dhamma, and its application in daily life (English and Vietnamese)
All, inclusive of backgrounds, beliefs, genders and characters, are welcome to join and invited to express their own views, subject to mutual respect for the benefits of all participants.
Enjoy it and make the best out of it whilst you are staying on Earth on a short temporary visa of your life.
Peace be with you.

Áp dụng Phật pháp vào đời sống hằng ngày nhằm thăng hoa tâm linh, phát triển từ bi hỷ xả, lợi người lợi mình, phuc vụ chúng sinh.
"Này các tỳ-kheo, khi các người hội họp lại thường có hai việc phải làm: một là đàm luận về phật pháp, hai là giữ im lặng của bậc thánh" (Buddha)
Application of Buddha's teachings into daily living conditions aiming at perfecting our spirituality, loving kindness, compassion for the benefits of ourselves and others.
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